
Find solutions together and resolve conflicts

With systemic mediation, we help bring conflicting parties together and achieve consensus-based solutions through respectful and constructive interactions.

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Meet your business mediator

Christin Paul recognizes the potential for change in every conflict. As a systemic mediator, she supports individuals and teams in overcoming deadlocked situations and effectively resolving conflicts.

  • check Degree in Management (Accounting & Finance)
  • check More than 18 years of experience in working with companies
  • check Over 7 years of experience in business mediation
  • check Certified business mediator & facilitator
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Mediation pays off


Of mediations are successful, with 72% on the day of mediation and 20% shortly thereafter.


potential cost savings when conflicts are resolved through mediation instead of court proceedings.


Of executives appreciate the work of mediators and rate them as good or very good.

Finding the best solution for all sides

Our systemic mediation resolves conflicts through win-win solutions. In a safe and neutral environment, we promote voluntary and open interactions that help participants find solutions that meet the needs of all sides.

Our mediation principles

The resolution of a conflict begins with the first crucial step: your voluntary and active participation in the mediation process. We as mediators, as well as all participating parties, have the right to terminate the process at any time. This way, we create an environment where you can feel comfortable and secure.
As mediators, we create the space for constructive dialogues and interactions. However, it is you who ultimately make the decisions and shape the outcomes of the mediation. We believe that you know best what is appropriate for you. Our approach is to support you on your journey and to strengthen your sense of self-responsibility.
Openess to solutions
Instead of prescribing fixed goals or outcomes, we enable you to develop your own solutions. We accompany you on your journey without anticipating the outcome. You are free to chart your own course.
During the mediation process, all parties disclose all relevant information about the conflict. We always ensure confidentiality and transparent communication. You have the right to be fully informed.
We assure that everything discussed during mediation remains confidential. This creates a safe environment in which you can speak openly and develop authentic solutions.
Neutrality and impartiality
As mediators, we commit ourselves to strict neutrality and impartiality. We ensure that each party is heard and considered equally. Every voice has the same value, and every perspective is treated with respect. This way, we enable a fair and balanced mediation process.

The legal basis for our mediation is the German Mediation Act.

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A long dispute means both parties are wrong.

Our mediation process

1. Clarification of Assignment

In an initial discussion, we get to know the parties and their concerns. We explain the principles of mediation and answer all open questions. At the end of this process step we set up the mediation agreement, which sets the framework for further cooperation.


2. Identification of issues

We then dedicate ourselves to the collection of facts and the identification of core issues that need to be clarified. This step allows for a deeper understanding of the conflict situation and forms the basis for the following negotiations.


3. Exploration of interests

In this phase, we shift the focus to the interests of the parties. Through open discussions and questions, a better insight into the needs and dynamics of the conflict is gained. This allows for a purposeful and constructive confrontation with the conflict.


4. Conflict resolution

The interests worked out and the insights gained so far are now used to develop solution ideas. These ideas are jointly evaluated and pursued to find the best possible solution for all parties involved.


5. Final agreement

In the final step, the solution worked out is recorded in a final agreement. This agreement documents the results of the mediation and ensures that the agreements reached for future cooperation are transparent and comprehensible.


Online and on-site

Whether you appreciate the flexibility of online mediation or prefer personal encounters as part of in-house mediation - we make it possible. If necessary, we are also happy to organize and book neutral spaces for your mediation.

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Possible occasions for mediation in healthcare

  • check Internal Team Conflicts: Support in resolving internal conflicts arising from different work styles, priorities or perspectives.
  • check Mergers and Transitions: Assistance during conflicts that may occur during mergers or transitions between healthcare facilities.
  • check Family Businesses: Assistance in dealing with emotional conflicts that arise from family relationships or generational changes.
  • check Restructurings: Support in dealing with conflicts that arise from organizational restructurings or task changes.
  • check Management vs. Works Council: Assistance in conflicts between management and the works council to improve cooperation.
  • check Patient Relationships: Aid in resolving conflicts between medical staff and patients or their relatives.

Benefits of mediation

  • check Resolves conflicts before they escalate
  • check Improves work atmosphere and productivity
  • check Reduces emotional strain and stress
  • check Avoids lawyer and court costs
  • check Decreases conflict-based turnover

We solve your conflicts

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Answers to your questions

What is systemic mediation?
Systemic mediation views conflicts in the context of the entirety of relationships in which they occur. It assumes that conflicts are often influenced by the dynamics and interactions within a system, such as a team. Systemic mediators attempt to understand the system as a whole and clarify how it contributes to the conflict in order to find a sustainable solution.
Who is mediation suitable for?
Mediation is suitable for many individuals and situations. It is particularly useful in conflicts between individuals, within teams or in business disputes. However, participants should be willing to work together on a solution and be open to change.
What are the advantages of mediation?
Mediation offers numerous advantages. It enables rapid and effective conflict resolution, saves costs compared to legal disputes, and promotes win-win solutions. Mediation can preserve or even improve relationships. In addition, the agreements reached are often more sustainable because they were developed by the parties in conflict themselves.
When should one consider mediation?
Mediation should be considered when a conflict has escalated, when direct talks between the parties are no longer possible, or when previous attempts at resolution have been unsuccessful. Mediation can also be useful when it's important to preserve the relationship or when a quick, cost-effective, and sustainable solution is sought.
What does a typical mediation process look like?
A typical mediation process begins with an introductory phase in which the mediator sets the framework for the process. Then the positions and interests of the parties are identified. Once all viewpoints and needs have been laid on the table, the goal is to find solutions together. The process ends with a closing phase in which the solutions found are recorded in a written agreement.
How does a mediation session proceed?
A mediation session often begins with a brief introduction by the mediator, followed by a phase in which each party presents their perspective. The mediator moderates the discussion and ensures that everyone gets a chance to speak. After all viewpoints and interests are clear, the solution-finding phase begins. Typically, a session lasts between 3 and 4 hours.
How many mediation sessions are needed?
The number of mediation sessions required depends on the specific conflict. Some conflicts can be resolved in one or two sessions, while others require several sessions over a longer period of time.
Is mediation confidential?
Yes, mediation is for mediators strictly confidential. Everything discussed in a mediation session remains between the parties and the mediator. This confidentiality creates a safe space for open and honest conversations.

If you have any further questions, feel free to write us an email at - we look forward to hearing from you!